Orgmode for nikola post

first need to setup the orgmode plugin for nikola refer to here, then put this into init.el ;;; set up new nikola new post directly in emacs ;; does not work on windows (defun publish-blog-post () "nikola github-deploy" (interactive) (save-buffer) (let ((my-blog-repo "path to your blog repo"))) ;; (let (my-blog-repo)) ;; (setq my-blog-repo "~/") (cd my-blog-repo) (shell-command "nikola github_deploy")) (defun new-blog-post (title) "new blog post to" (interactive "sEnter post title: ") (let ((my-blog-repo "path to your blog repo"))) (cd my-blog-repo) (setq new-post-cmd (concat "nikola new_post -f orgmode -t " "\"" title "\"")) (shell-command new-post-cmd) (setq new-post-file (concat my-blog-repo "/posts/" (replace-regexp-in-string " " "-" title) "....

May 29, 2018 · 1 min · Shelper