Jupyter skills and tricks

use jupyterlab use interact for interactive widget use qgrid for better dataframe display within ipython notebook, follow instructions here %load_ext sql for sql query within the notebook, refer to here

May 28, 2018 · 1 min · Shelper

best practice for jupyter and ipython

A few things to setup the IPython and Jupyter for a best practise. IPython configuration Change ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/init.ipy for their usage respectively To enable versioning of the python/jupyter environment, you need to pip install version_information and then add below, afterward for each IPython notebook file I put %version_information numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas to display my python environment version information %load_ext version_information To enable autoloading of modified modules in IPython, add below %load_ext version_information %load_ext autoreload %autoreload 2 I also added the lines below just because I use them everytime I open IPython import numpy as np import matplotlib....

May 24, 2018 · 2 min · Shelper