setup hugo with github pages on github

I followed this site for setting up hugo blogging on using, the instruction is little bit confusion, so just to clarify a little bit here. the instructions there uses gh-pages branch to publish your site, this is done by the action peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3. however, for user/ pages, the default branch for publishing is main. so if you use this action, you need to change your page branch to gh-pages and set the directory to /root....

May 9, 2022 · 1 min · shelper

how to start python project on github

steps are: install cookiecutter: python -m pip install cookiecutter run cookiecutter to initiate a project: cookiecutter('') under the project folder on github, start a new repo python_prj run git init in the local project folder and commit run git remote add origin using git@git requires to setup the ssh key pair, this can be found by easily google it or under FAQ of github run git push -u origin master...

June 14, 2016 · 1 min · Shelper