1. remove %HOME% (you can put it back later)

  2. download and install babun

  3. setup ssh, if you already have ssh keys in the ~/.ssh, copy to the ~ of babun shell and do

eval `ssh-agent -s`

if not, copy the ssh pub and private keys to ~/.ssh or use

ssh-add path/to/keys
  1. if you are using proxy behind firewall you need: add proxy for babun and change the user -agent (dont know why, but works)
export http_proxy=http://gateway.zscaler.net:80
export https_proxy=$http_proxy
export ftp_proxy=$http_proxy
export no_proxy=localhost

export USER_AGENT="Chrome/47.0.2526.111"

then you can use pact to install packages

pact install connect-proxy

if ssh need to go through proxy, add the line below to the ~/.ssh/config file

ProxyCommand connect-proxy.exe -H gateway.zscaler.net:80 %h %p

then add the lines below to .gitconfig

proxy = http://gateway.zscaler.net:80

However, this still cannot work for run git push etc., in emacs shellNo solution yet, a question of this is asked at stackoverflow